Metal Roof Restoration in Sydney

At AMS Roof Care, we know that metal roof restoration is essential to keep your home looking its best. Our roofing company are expert in metal roof maintenance, repairs and restoration. We use high-quality materials and techniques to make sure your property is restored to the best possible condition.

Get a free no obligation from us before starting work to ensure that we are the right company for you. Our team of roofing experts will assess your property and advise you on the best course of action.



Metal Roof Repairs Sydney

Our metal roof repairs Sydney professionals can repair any damage to your metal roof. This could include rust, holes or cracks that have developed over time due to weather conditions and wear and tear. We use high-pressure roof cleaning techniques to clear away dirt and debris, revealing the full extent of any damage. Then we apply specialised products and coatings to restore the integrity of the roof.

We can also provide tips and advice on how to maintain your metal roof in the long term. This includes regular inspections and cleaning, as well as applying roof coatings to prevent further damage.

Our roofing contractors can work on all types of roofs, including colorbond roofing, tiled roofs, polycarbonate sheeting and more. With experience in both residential and commercial properties, we can confidently provide the best service for your needs.

So, if you are looking for metal roof repair or roof restoration services in Sydney, then AMS Roof Care is the team to call. Give us a call today and let us help you protect your property.

Why Choose Our Metal Roof Repair Contractor?

When it comes to metal roof repair, our experts are the best choice for your needs. With their extensive knowledge and experience in Australian metal roofing, they can provide you with top-notch service that will ensure the longevity and durability of your roof.

Whether you need minor repairs or a complete roof restoration, our experts have the skills and expertise to handle any project. You can trust us to deliver exceptional results and exceed your expectations. So why settle for anything less? Choose our metal roof repair experts and experience the difference for yourself.

Our Metal Roof Restoration Sydney Services

  • Roof Cleaning
  • Roof Repairs
  • Re-Painting
  • Rust Treatment
  • Flashing Replacement
  • Gutter Cleaning and Repair
  • Insulation Installation
  • Sealant Application
  • Skylight and Ventilation Maintenance
  • Roof Coating Application


Metal roof restoration is the process of repairing and renewing a metal roof to extend its lifespan and improve its performance.

Restoring a metal roof instead of replacing it can save time, money, and resources.

Yes, metal roof restoration can be done on any type of metal roof.

Metal roofs should be inspected for repairs at least once a year by a qualified professional.

The cost of repairing a metal roof will depend on the extent of the damage, the type of materials used to repair it, and the amount of labor involved.


Our team of experts is here to help with your metal roof restoration needs. Contact us now for a quote and let us restore your roof to its former glory.